Have you ever noticed when you are browsing online that you start to see ads for websites that you recently visited? Have you ever wondered how these businesses are “targeting you” and how you could do the same with your Potential gym members and personal training clients?
The advertising method is called “Ad Retargeting For Gyms” or “Remarketing”. It’s surprisingly effective.
Today, we will be talking about how you can leverage retargeting in your fitness business to gain more members and clients from your missed opportunities & generate more ROI from all of your marketing spend.
We all know how important it is to convert walk-ins into come backs.
We also know that on average 5-10% of the visitors who get to your website end up calling in or turning into a lead. SO HOW CAN WE make sure we remain top of mind with the 90% + of the visitors who visit our website that are in the market for a new gym but have not converted yet? Let me introduce you to the power of retargeting…
It’s one thing to get leads to your website. It’s an entirely different and more difficult thing to get those visitors to take action. When only 5 to 10% of website visitors take action once they land on your gym’s website, it’s obvious that fitness businesses need to figure out how to reach that other 90 to 95% and compel them to take action.
Ad retargeting for gyms specifically amplifies the rate of your lead to membership conversion.
It may seem low, but in internet terms, a 5 to 10% conversion rate of website visitors is actually good. Most fitness businesses with an online presence are on that threshold. But what could happen in your gym if you could increase that to 20% or 50% or even more? You know what would happen – your recurring revenue would increase considerably and your gym would be growing by leaps and bounds. Retargeting is an almost guaranteed way to do exactly that. If you aren’t familiar with the term, retargeting means advertising to people who have already shown an interest in your website but have never taken action. You can find out how to do it affordably by booking a strategy call with us at Konnectme
90% of the people who land on your website do not take action.
So that is when ad retargeting for your gym reels them in. How often does this happen to you? You’re playing around on Facebook or Instagram band suddenly notice an advertisement in the sidebar or feed from a website you’ve recently visited. It’s not a creepy mind-reading trick, it’s retargeting in action. The website owner has utilized a “pixel” on their website that tells them who you are (your online self), that you’ve visited their site, and in conjunction with Facebook, they are stalking you – in a good way – to remind you that you were interested in their service or product. It makes total sense that they’d want to do so – you’ve already shown an interest in their website so you make an easier target than a cold lead.
Do you want to get thousands of Ad impressions to people already interested in your services – for a low cost?
If you do, you want to learn about ad retargeting for gyms. The way Facebook, Google Ads, and other platforms work these days you are able to spend pennies on the dollar and get your message in front of thousands of people who are already clearly interested in your home service business. Many of those leads will turn into actual conversions, establishing new relationships that could turn into long-term customers. Retargeting is the key to it and could quickly increase your leads, conversions, and overall revenue. Find out the details of how to make retargeting work for you during a strategy call with us.
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