Learn to Strategize Your Digital Marketing Based on Your Fitness Club Sales Seasons with these 4 easy Steps.

Fitness Marketing Agencies who do not specialized in fitness studios tend to ask you to spend more on ads without knowing the fitness industry. Their logic is: “spend more money, get more leads”

As a fitness club owner, you know that some months are slow, and some months are high. Since our team at Konnectme Digital Marketing specializes in Fitness, we have a very different strategy that those of generalized marketing agencies so that we can help gym owners like you maximize their ad spend. With our most recent partner: P4P MMA Markham, We provided them with the following strategy outlined below:

Step 1: Analyze your Fitness Club Sales Seasons in 2021.

fitness club sales seasons

Analyzing your sales cycle involves looking at an average of your month sales through your financial software. You want to a look at a minimum of 2 years of sales to find out what your high and low sales season accurately.

At konnectme, once we analyze your fitness club sales seasons, we will be able to find out which months are the best months to aggravate your marketing so that you only spend more marketing dollars for the higher seasons.

Step 2: Analyze your Fitness Club Sales Cycle.

fitness club sales seasons

Most fitness clubs are different, some are more sales oriented, and some are more services oriented.
As your fitness marketing agency, we will have to find out how long does it usually takes for you to convert a gym lead into a member. Keep in mind that there are a few factors here, such as us having the following in your studio:

A. A strong sales person.
B. Automated prospecting drip campaigns made by us at konnectme.
C. Your club’s culture.
D. Your Conversion rate.
E. Attrition rate.

At konnectme, once we figure out your sales cycle, we will make recommendations on when to adjust your sales techniques, such as hiring more salespeople, or which campaign is the best to convert leads into members.

Step 3: Setting up Google Yahoo and Bing Ads VS Social Media Pay-per Clicks with an effective strategy in 2022

The next step is figuring out which platform should you advertise in, so it is very important that any fitness facility owner knows what the difference is.

Google, Yahoo and Bing Ads:
Google Provides fitness websites a way to invest an amount of money in exchange of showing up on the first page as an “ad”, thus giving you a higher chance to gain more leads online. Google ads are sometimes limited to geographic marketing. So, if you are looking to target a specific age group, it might be better if you advertise on social media.

facebook logo konnectme

Facebook and Instagram Pay-per-Click (PPC)
Social Media PPC is a form of paid digital marketing on social media platforms where fitness studios invest an amount against each click received on their ads. It provides them with a mechanical way of buying additional visits to their fitness website. PPCs are based on relevant demographics and other essential factors that are required to be placed on these ads. Social media PPC campaigns are goal-based, and user engagement is measured through metrics such as Impressions, Conversion rates, and Click-through rates.

How will Pay-Per-Click benefit your Fitness Studio?

  1. Gain more leads.
  2. It takes 13-15 times for a person to recognize or memorize a brand. You want to be consistent so that when your target market is finally ready to work out, they will think of your gym first.
  3. PPC will establish your fitness brand’s authority by showing up on ad searches on the advertising platforms that you use.

Step 4. Develop a PPC strategy congruent with your sales seasons to maximize your sales.

fitness Marketing Plan

A PPC strategy based on your fitness club sales seasons has been the best tactic that we have used to gain more leads for our fitness studio partners.  

Once we analyze your demographic and identify your target market, we implement a PPC strategy based on the sales season to maximize your advertising dollars. Every fitness studio has its share of high, medium, and low sales months. In the case, for most gyms, we find that high sales seasons are usually after the festivals and during the New Year that they witness a peak in sales, and as the year progresses, their sales varies in waves. It is important to note these months and counteract the seasonal sales with appropriate digital marketing strategies related to PPCs.

Once you start working with us, we will help you with the following.

  1. Give you more time to focus on operations while we take the responsibility of coming up with new marketing strategies for your fitness studio. We constantly look at your previous year’s sales figures and provide you an estimate of the seasonal sales based on your marketing on that month.

2.     We will help you figure out your demographics acutely by constantly looking at the dormant memberships, active memberships, and unsold guests.

3.  Lastly, we will be able to improve your targeted advertising as your target audience changes seasons, and you will know which group to target and when.


Leveraging seasons for digital marketing has proved to be a helpful aspect, especially in fitness studios. When you are ready to take your digital marketing to the next level. Book a Strategy call with us at konnectme.ca/book