Best Fitness Studio Marketing Strategies : Case Study

Case Study

Best Fitness Studio Marketing Strategies

With our years of experience in Marketing The Fitness Industry here in Canada. We found and tested numerous strategies and have come down to to the top 30 most effective ones. 

Download our Case Study Here

Best Fitness Studio Marketing Strategies

Watch how we helped this Fitness Studio Studio convert 100 new members.

What We did.

  • Website designed for optimal conversion
  • Effective, proactive SEO strategies
  • Developed an automated campaign to turn leads into customers
  • Targeted PPC and pay-per-lead campaigns
  • Tailored marketing strategy focused on maximizing ROI
Combining Many Fitness Marketing Strategies into one.
Fully Custom Made Strategy

We steer clear of one-size-fits-all solutions. Instead, we take a highly specialized approach in fitness marketing, creating a custom strategy tailored to your local market, brand, and target audience.

Website Strategy

Effective gym websites are designed to maximize  your lead submissions and visibility on search engines. We build our fitness  websites with the customer-end in mind, leading to more profit, for you.

Advertising Strategy

We combine a strategic offering into our ADS which will maximize your lead generation in your local area.

Conversion Campaign Strategy

Gaining leads are just one piece of the pie, we also create a detailed SMS and Email Marketing Campaign to make sure you convert your leads into members!

Google Ranking Strategy

Establish a top spot on Google for all relevant keywords to capture every potential local inquiry for your services.

Watch how we help you convert OLD LEADS into paying members

Our marketing strategy goes far beyond just making you more visible online. With a combination of a carefully crafted website, an ad strategy and sms/email campaign strategy, we help you generate more gym members from your existing database.  

Leads generated
0 k+
Canadian Gyms Helped
0 +
Client Retention rate
90 %
$ ROI doubled
$ 0 k+
Fitness Marketing

Take advantage of our 1 on 1 Session:

This is a session where we create you a custom-tailored plan so you can generate more leads, sales and profits. My team of trained online marketing experts and I will do the following for you:

  1. Build a Gym Member Keyword List. 
  2. Run a Ranking Report.  
  3. Review Your SEO, Speed and Linking. 
  4. Review Your Website Conversion. 
  5. Local Internet Marketing Plan.
Let us help you do Marketing For Your Private Fitness Studio in Canada!

Konnectme’s Fitness Studio Marketing Canada is a digital marketing agency in the Greater Vancouver of British Columbia, Canada. We provide a full scale Digital Marketing Services for your Martial Arts Studio. We aim to be your #1 Martial Arts Studio Digital Marketing Agency in Canada.

Fitness Studio Marketing Canada

Download Our SEO Case Study